April 22, 2008

A Poem

I wrote this poem mid-December of 2007. I submitted it to the Irving Renaissance, a group of students on campus, mainly upperclassmen English majors, who critique eachother's poetry to enhance their own skills, to obviously get feedback about my attempt at poetry. They were sever, but righteously so. So I want see what y'all think.

The One-Way Tunnel

Damp, cold, mute
The tunnel assimilates my figure
Autumn days light the path
From the entrance I cannot return to
Moving forward the shadows grow larger
Until they disappear
And the nourishment I provided lies wasted
Blinded by desperation
Sick for hope and salvation
I push my lifeless body onward
Where is that lost motivation,
My beloved's lasting inspiration
Nutrients are supplied for movement and will
By reliant Knowledge and Memory
Again on the visible ground
I see outlines of dark
Then appears purest light
Guiding my weighted soul
To what will save me.


Dad29 said...

"Sever" criticism?

I severely criticize your spelling!

Child of God said...

Uh, it was just a typo. It happens.