February 14, 2009

Back to Reality

I'm back on campus in Irving, Texas trying to figure out what is wrong with America that it can be so boring compared to the European countries! ... Well, it's not that bad being back home and back to school in Texas. The semester had a wonderful start, getting to see my Rome friends again and reacquainting myself with the spacious campus here. School life is no doubt much different than that of Rome. We certainly don't live with our teachers and are therefore not as well acquainted with them, our classes are not as applicable to our present situation and location, and our schedules don't match the rest of the school and are not coordinated with our other classes ergo we usually have more papers due at the same time! What a pity. It is all very different in Rome. Also, my friends and I find ourselves bored out of our mind every weekend what with no where to travel to. It's really rather laughable. We're stuck in the Rome semester and more and more we recall travel stories and stare at computer screens looking at old Rome photos. Most of us have been diagnosed with the disease called 'romesickness.' We are romesick, romesick, romesick! I find myself looking out of my balcony at night staring at the Dallas city lights in the distance swearing to myself that I'm looking at Rome's city lights. Wrong! I longingly watch the sunset knowing that if it's the same sun all around the world then it must be Rome I am in and not America. Wrong! I search, seek, long to see a vineyard out my window and several all along the street. But alas! This is reality, a different sort of reality, a sadder reality, a less mischievous, more dutiful reality, a limited and strict reality. Reality nonetheless! And with that, I sign off again.

I will hopefully be back again when I am cured of my case of romesickness and begin again to discover the meaning of this life.
